~The Clan~

This Clan was founded by SS3 Chaos, Reaper 707, carlos983334, & treger95.

Silent Cobras does more than duke it out with the heavy hitters; we discuss what needs to be done in order to execute our opponents, we come with BRUTE FORCE in every battle, we fight until that very last second.....We are similar to a mafia formulated into a video game clan.  We will always have each others back and I assure you complete satisfaction when joining our clan.  One thing about this clan is that I dont MAKE YOU do anything.  We work as a team to take out our opponents.  I'm not saying we're unbeatable.  There are many clans out there that are Dominant, the only difference is that the SILENT COBRAS dont walk up to other clans talking a load of crap.  The strong move in SILENCE while the weak make there presence known.

This could be your nightmare......

This is a pick that I (SS3 Chaos) took after destroying a clan in the past.  I will not state their name although they know who they are. 

Fate isn't too far around your corner.....Cobra out