[This is list is not in any particular order from BEST to WORST for those who are curious]
Assasin is and shall forever remain a great player and a loyal clan member.  He is ALWAYS ready for a battle and wont hesistate to do a thing.  A FEARLESS COMPETITOR.                                                                                                                     
     Carlos is one of those guys who likes to have fun but at the same time kick some serious ass, than laugh at you when its all said and done.

     Fizzy has been in the most clan battles with me going from Halo to Gears of war to Modern Warfare 2.  I don't play favorites at all but I would have to call him my right hand man simply because we've been through some tough battles together.

     Jarie is a trash talker at times but all in all he just wants to win.
     Prieto Prieto Prieto, a good friend of mine.  One thing that he has that None of the other clan members has and many people outside of the clan at that is the ability to create maps that seriously look professionally done.  He is also one of my clan members that has been in many clan battles.
R3APER 707
     Reaper.......this is the one guy on the team who is down right hardcore and DOES NOT PLAY on that battlefield.  His only objective is to win and he will stop at nothing to do so.  We've been homies for the longest and have had the most clan battles together on MW2/Halo 3.

The Machine 415
     Machine is my young buddy who can discover more glitches in a game the creators themselves.  He's one of those guys that laughs while doing.  If he's in your face attacking you, he will either laugh before during or after the win.

     Treger is one of the co founders of SILENT COBRAS and was the first person that I was cool with on xbox live.  We've come a long way my friend.  His cousin is carlos and his main homie is reaper.  Treger likes to talk crap but he has proven on numerous occassions that he can BACK UP WHAT HE SAYS.    


     A best friend on xbox live.  We've had more battles on Dragon Ball raging blast than the saga's itself for the series lol.  He is also RANK 11 in the world for HALO WARS.  If anyone needs any guidance from one of the best in the game JG is that person.
We haven't been in many battles together but what I can say about preist is that he loves to kick butt and take names.  He too does kick serious butt.  Do not STAND IN HIS WAY or I can promise you will be run down by the wrath of Deadpreist.

Edgey is one of the newer members to the clan but has already shown that he is down right hilirious and a FIERCE COMPETITOR.  A down to earth guy who enjoys joking around.  I look forward to being in more battles with him.
     From what I know about polyman he is down for his team.  Let him know what needs to be done and he is front and center ready to take out the enemy.

     Who's ever heard of somewhiteguy?  lol.  He hasn't been in many clan battles but he is down whenever we need him.

     The best thing I know about him is that he is very good on Halo 3. 

He is also one of our newer members.  You seem to be ready for war.  Favx is a nice guy that will not let you run over him.  At least thats what I've gathered in the short time I've known him.

TMH Sephiroth
     Sephiroth is a good friend of mine who is a great player in both Modern Warfare 2 and Gears of War 2.  He's always improving on his skills so you can rest assure that it will be a better match each time.